Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homemade Croutons

Food waste ruffles my feathers a little bit. And it is because we have lived through some very lean times in our marriage over the years. So, when I see recipes that literally create something from nothing, it does my heart good to know that others take food waste as seriously as I do. Cindy over at The Christmas Plan wrote a post recently titled When Life Hands You Lemons. Cindy talks about a ruined batch of sour dough bread and how she turned the inedible bread into tasty croutons.

Well, with the stale pieces of my recent loaf of No-Knead Beer Bread, I tested out Cindy’s recipe for croutons. Not bad for a first try. We ate more of them off the pan than in the salad. I think that I may have baked them too long because they were hard to spear with my fork, but still yummy. I will definitely be trying out this technique again to perfect it.

Be sure to check out Cindy’s blog to read more about her desire to live a simpler life while instilling within her children the meaning of true wealth. You will find recipes, craft projects, and fun stories about learning to raise ducks! Thank you, Cindy for sharing a great recipe that reduces food waste and illustrates “the joy of doing more with less.”

Blog Link: The Christmas Plan
Recipe Link: When Life Hands You Lemons (Crouton Recipe)

This post has been linked to Frugal Tuesday Tip.


  1. I'm so glad you tried these! I'll have to try them next time with beer bread; yours look delicious.

    1. We really liked these. I'll be trying them again as soon as I have some leftover bread.

  2. Had leftover sandwich bread (which, oddly, I rushed and it was a little denser and flatter than I'd like - not so appealing), so I'm making these today. We love salad and I never buy croutons (seems like a waste of money to buy a package), so this was perfect. Thinking of you as the house fills with the smell of toasting croutons. Yumm!


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