Friday, June 8, 2012

French Women Don't Get Fat

I just happened to see this at the library a couple of weeks ago while wandering the shelves. Knowing that it had received a lot of press when it came out because of the title, I picked it up. While living in Europe we couldn’t help but notice how much thinner people were there, so I thought this book might give me some insight into why that might be so.

French Women Don't Get Fat written by Mireille Guiliano

Mireille, as a young woman, spent a year studying in America. When she returned home to France, over weight and embarrassed, she sought out the means to reverse this unpleasant side effect of traveling abroad. What she learned from Dr. Miracle (an affectionate term for the doctor who discreetly helped her get back on track) was simple and effective.  And, it permanently changed her life.

This is more of a life story than it is a diet book. Mireille’s writing style is witty and encouraging. And, although you will find many tips that will help you keep your weight under control, much of what is found in French Women Don’t Get Fat is an attitude that is almost exactly opposite of the American way of thinking about diet. So, if you are interested in a life style change, and some encouragement to be healthier, this would be a good read for you.

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