Tuesday, May 28, 2013


We are so excited to be in the middle of strawberry season here in North Carolina. The kids have looked forward to strawberry picking all winter and over the weekend, we headed to a local farm and picked two baskets full.
The kids had a blast running through the rows looking for the biggest and reddest strawberries that they could find. And, they were even more pleased to fit as many strawberries as possible into the above baskets. The strawberries were not sold by weight, but were a flat price. So, no matter how many you fit into your basket, it was still the same price. We saw some people with huge towers of precariously positioned strawberries in their baskets, and my kids took it as a challenge to do the same.

We came home and devoured as many strawberries as our bellies could handle and then I made jam. I put up 8 pints and we have already enjoyed it on homemade biscuits. We also shared our berries with friends at two different social events this weekend. And, I'll tell you more about those recipes soon.

Are you as excited about strawberry season as we are?

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