Thursday, February 9, 2012

Green Onions

I have a confession: I have a black thumb, and I kill plants. I desperately want to reverse this dilemma though. I want to have lush houseplants, a beautiful array of spring blossoms, and a garden full of fresh produce.  But, this is not the case. With that said, I have some spectacular news! I grew these green onions, all by myself. We ate them for dinner last night. They were simple, frugal, and oh so tasty in our salad. Is it possible that my thumb is beginning to turn green, maybe just a little bit?

To grown your own green onions, you need a bunch purchased from the grocery store. Cut off the green tops, leaving about 3 inches on the root end, and toss the tops into your favorite salad. Or, try this Mandarin Almond Salad. Then, with the rubber band still on the bottom of the onions, place them in a jar of water. Replace the water daily and watch them grow. They grow so fast, that two hours after cutting the onions for salad, we could already see new growth.Within 8 days, I had a brand new, full-sized bunch.  (Even if you are not a big green onion fan, this is a great project for your children. My kids were so pleased to see the growth every day.)

After doing a little research, I found that I now need to plant my second generation green onion roots into dirt. This is where it gets a little chancy, because of my tendency to kill plants. Today, I will plant my green onions and a week from now I will let you know if they are still alive and ready to be eaten. 

This post has been linked to Try New Adventures Thursday!


  1. Allison, this is pretty cool! We don't eat green onions all that much, but i might try this anyway. :D

    1. Your little one would enjoy watching these grow, even if they don't get eaten.

  2. This is really neat, but I have to admit I really dislike green onions and always omit them
    from recipes :(

    1. I have only recently fallen in love with green onions in the last few years. I put them in almost all of the salads I make. But, a couple of years ago I wouldn't have touched them. It's funny how tastes buds can change.

  3. Stopping by from TNAT

    How neat!! I'm don't have much of a green thumb, but luckily our soil is pretty fertile. I'll have to try this.


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